2024-09: Consultation on proposed changes to the livestock standards of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry invites you to provide feedback on proposed changes to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce Edition 3.8 (National Standard).

The National Standard supports export arrangements with Australia’s trading partners.

The proposed changes relate to the livestock standards and associated appendices and definitions.

Key points

The department and the National Standard Advisory Committee (NSAC) established an expert working group in 2023 to review the livestock standards and associated appendices and definitions in the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce Edition 3.8.

The working group has completed a comprehensive review which included reviewing industry feedback from past ‘closed consultations’ on Have Your Say. The working group has proposed changes to the following sections of the National Standard:

  • Section 1.13 Livestock
  • Section 1.14 Conversion of livestock and livestock products
  • Section 1.15 Livestock breeds and breeding
  • Section 1.16 Livestock nutrition
  • Section 1.17 Disease prevention and treatment
  • Section 1.18 Livestock welfare (including proposed definitions for ‘anaesthetic’ and ‘analgesic’)
  • Section 1.19 Livestock housing
  • Section 1.20 Livestock handling
  • Section 1.21 Livestock identification
  • Section 1.22 Livestock manure (including proposed definition for ‘manure’)
  • Section 1.25 Bio-dynamic production
  • Appendix D (including proposed new title and tables).


To have your say:

We encourage you to participate so we can get the best result possible for the organics industry and ensure voices are heard.

Submit your feedback by 5pm (AEDT), Tuesday 12 November 2024.

All relevant DAFF organic publications can be found here.